Whether picking up part of the salary of the employee and transfer it directly to the account of the parents is objectionable or worthy of praise? When a few days ago in the local press showed up an article about such specific conditions prevailing in a small company with the beauty industry, deductions from wages for parents and wider-for the obligations of the members of the family to each other, quickly settled on the pages of most Chinese media.
First, the facts. Some of the Canton company when hiring new employees informs them that every month they will deduct 10some of the salaries salaries and transfer them to the account of the father or the mother. If the candidate does not consent, is not employed. The average salary is in this company ok. 3000 USD , which is the amount of the deduction is ok. 300 USD. Admittedly, the company partially compensate deductions special additives, which amount depends on the length of service, but the mandatory nature of “pledges” raise doubts of many Aliexpress dispute commentators. A spokesman for the company that their employees are mostly poorly educated and hailing from the village of young people and that, although perhaps a little subtle, reminding them of appropriate behaviour has a beneficial effect on them and helps them in the formation of normal behavioral patterns. This older, younger and society as a whole. To sum up – download protection money from your paycheck over the age of the employees is not enough that is just for their sake, it still increases the social harmony and number of stars.
Quite a obcesowe method to assist parents and de facto forcing employees to opt out of part of the remuneration for the father and mother, who perhaps does not need support, aroused animated discussions among readers on the forums and in social media. Whether the company has the right in such a way as to force the morally right behavior? And why the company is forcing employees to moral behavior? What law work? And what if the children broke contact with my parents (especially due to the fault of the latter)? And maybe the children are in a worse financial situation than the parents? Asked a lot of questions about various aspects of this rather strange habit, but usually was sought, to a similar conclusion. . You can force children to financial support of seniors, but it is neither right nor obligation and any complaints.
The normal respect and filial obedience, one of the most important Confucian virtues. In ancient China, adult children have the obligation to take care of parents, submit their welfare, health and comfort of the needs of both, as well as their offspring. The traditional respect for elders and instilled a sense of duty of care father and mother are still in China much more prominent than in the West, although in comparison with the past definitely have weakened. With the inevitable relaxing family ties, even if caused by the migration of labour from rural to urban or foreign life, trying to fight the authorities. They do this in various ways. In the media appear strong social ads that show insensitive adult children and old parents who popping tears, alone eat Christmas meals; issued are the rights that children have a duty to care “about financial and psychological needs of parents, and often their visit”; local authorities search for children extremely dedicated parents and show you as an example and role model. Some behavior in China received as a manifestation of the highest degree of devotion to parents, in our eyes can look downright fun-like. Fourteen case girl who tried to commit suicide, to be a donor liver to a dying father’s cancer. Sometimes-awkward, as the view of hundreds of small children, that during the ceremony people are brave enough to school and beat bows to parents. Sometimes the touchingly as the story of two adult sons, who in order to meet the traveler’s dreams of a dying mother, build residential car for her and pulled it for more than six hundred Asian cities.